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As we all work through the Coronavirus pandemic in line with best practice guidelines we are taking precautions to ensure the safety of patients and staff within the practice. We need your support to allow us to continue to provide services to you.

Due to the need to observe social distancing in order to reduce community spread of COVID 19 we have made the following necessary changes to our practice for the forseeable future. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation at this difficult time. We wish all of our patients and their families good health and strength to get through this together.

1) Appointments

Appointments are now being conducted both in person and by telephone. Upon making the appointment the reception staff will advise you of the most appropriate appointment type for you. 

Please do not attend the practice in person with any Covid like symptoms unless explicitly directed to by clinic staff.

It is important that babies would attend for all scheduled vaccines.

Administration staff will ask you a number of covid related questions upon making an appointment. This is in line with best practice to help ensure everyone's safety.

In order to minimise the number of people within the practice we request that you arrive only at your appointment time and on your own or in the case of a child that only one parent presents with them.

2) Prescriptions:

Although we endeavour to turn prescription requests around as quickly as possible due to the increased pressure and work load at present, requests may take up to 3 working days to turn around. Prescription requests are best in written format. A form is available just outside reception along with a box to place completed forms in. Alternatively you can use the link on the website.

Please also clearly state the pharmacy you attend as prescriptions are now sent through a secure online portal directly to your chosen pharmacy.

3) Work certificates may require a telephone consultation. Social Welfare Certificates also require a consultation and we will aim to conduct the majority of these by telephone.

4) Attendance at the surgery. Please only attend the practice by prior appointment. We understand the phones will be even busier than usual and ask for your understanding. It is vital for everyone's health that no-one enters with any respiratory or flu-like symptoms, unless there has been a prior agreement made with one of our doctors to come at an appointed time.
Where a situation becomes urgent due to you or a family member becoming very unwell, especially if shortness of breath is occurring with possible COVID symptoms, please phone 999/112.

We request that you wear a mask if you are attending the practice

Once again we thank you for your help in fighting the community spread of COVID-19 and being respectful of everyone's health needs during this time.

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